We know .leadership

Having worked with leaders from all over the world for the past 20 years, having post grad qualifications, studied numerous leadership theories and research into effective leaders and leadership this we know.


Leaders are an essential ingredient

The most effective Leaders demonstrate integrity, vulnerability, will and humility. They need to consistently exhibit these attributes and be a role model for their team. They are constantly growing their self-awareness and their awareness of the impact they have on others. They are human, make mistakes, get things wrong, apologise and forgive. They work with a growth mindset, constantly looking for the next opportunity to learn and grow.

Leaders cast a shadow

Leaders cast a shadow on the people they work with. Leaders behaviour sets the wider expectation and people are watching and being influenced by the leader’s behaviour. This is not what is said but what is done and what is implied.

Leaders chart the course

Leader ensure the team has a clearly defined and understood purpose, a reason they exist, a central purpose for why the team exists. The leader ensures there is a direction, vision or result that the team is aiming for and a clear set of agreed priorities to be delivered. Whilst in the current environment this may not be long term, short term clarity of priorities and direction can be incredibly important for people experiencing uncertainty.


Leaders create the space

Leaders generate wellbeing by creating the space for people to feel safe to express what they are going through, to come together with others, to reflect and plan together, to connect and to grow.

Leaders go first

Leaders demonstrate the courage of going first. Of trusting others with increasing levels of openness and vulnerability. Leaders show others what’s expected and they follow. Leaders behaviour creates trust, strengthens connections and encourages cooperation. We know that vulnerability creates trust but is hardest to do when trust doesn’t exist or has eroded. This is why Leaders go first accepting the risk that they may not be followed and do it anyway.

Leaders create the culture

Leaders contribute strongly to a sense of ‘how we do things around here’. When leaders focus on learning, personal and professional growth and health and wellbeing it strongly encourages others to focus the same way. Being a good coach, being open to being coached, giving and receiving feedback all contributes to a healthy and engaged team culture.


In leadership .we create

In partnership with our clients we have 20 years experience designing engaging and impactful Leadership development experiences.

Through our range of targeted leadership and learning strategies together we create a constructive high-performance work environment enabling leaders and their teams to work to their full potential.

We have delivered our leadership programs in 16 countries across the world meaning we bring deep cross-cultural experience, working with leaders from a vast diversity of backgrounds.

In the process we have also learned to be highly adaptable given the contexts, places and spaces we have worked in.


Our leadership program .methodolgy

We design learning methodologies to suit your budget, work context, availability and accessibility.

This includes purpose designed development guides, action learning workshops, leading edge learning modules, virtual learning platforms, the highest quality executive coaching and workplace learning experiences.

Wherever we can we look to partner with your team to maximise your internal strengths and capabilities.

We are known for our generosity in time, support and sharing of IP to support your team to grow through our partnership.