
Over many years we have demonstrated a strong commitment to pro bono and reduced fee service provision in the not for profit Sector. The following illustrates our focus on social changes we are interested in and the organisations and projects who have benefited from the contributions of

Integrated into our daily business activities, we commit to making a social contribution through the giving of our time, funds and resources. Since 2005 we, together with our colleagues, friends and family members have become involved and contributed to our mission to improve the health, safety and education of vulnerable children and their families across Australia and the world. As well as our own projects and contribution we are exploring ways to broker the opportunity for others to make their personal and professional contribution.

Following is a timeline of .what we have done.


2023 .Foodbank & Food on the table

Foodbank leads in hunger relief, addressing Australia's $36.6B food waste issue and supporting the environment. As the country's top food relief group, their impact is vital for frontline charities feeding vulnerable Australians. We're thrilled to work with Foodbank Victoria and deliver a leadership program for its senior leaders. Discover their impact and support here.

We are also proud to provide coaching and consulting with Food on the Table. Adelaide's leading provider of both food support and training opportunities for disadvantaged and vulnerable people right across South Australia. Fundraise, volunteer at their Soup Kitchen or contribute to functions and catering and make a meaningful impact. Learn more here.


2021 .Our Final Decade

Over the next 10 years we are going to take all of the experience we have gleaned from 21 incredibly challenging years as professionals, parents and people and convert this into an investment in the future. Welcome to our change.CO LAB. You just need to aspire to influence and to impact your community. Find out more here.


2013 .Lighthouse Foundation

At our fundraising seminar in 2010 we were introduced to the highly inspiring Susan Barton. Susan left our entire audience in awe at her bravery and determination in making a difference to the lives of homeless children in Australia. Susan made it clear to all of us that this was happening ‘on our watch’ and it was not ok. After hearing Susan speak we were in, we were determined to find a way to make our contribution. In 2013 together with a team of volunteers we raised $25,000 for the Lighthouse Foundation. These funds provided for the complete nutritional program for the ten Lighthouse homes for 12 months. Many of our team also volunteered their time in delivering consulting services and support to the Lighthouse team and continue to do so today. We are very proud to be working in partnership with Susan and her team.

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2012 .Coast to Coast - Walk across India

In 2012 we undertook a most extraordinary adventure – walking 800km from the west coast of India to the east coast. Together with ten members of our family including three generations and five children under the age of 13 we completed our journey raising over $65,000AUD for ChildFund projects in India. Check out our video and read the book here.


2011 .Chap Chi Yardar School

Whilst this is our smallest project it is one of those we hold most dear to our hearts. Coaching the National Director of ChildFund Afghanistan, Nick was so moved by her courage that he asked what he could do to support her work. After consulting with the local community it was determined that their highest priority was to provide furniture for the local school. Our donation provided desks and chairs for Chap Chi Yardar School in Badakhshan province. Why this project was so special, was that it demonstrated how a family in Australia who cared enough to make a small difference in the lives of children half a world away and in the process say to them how much we care about them.


2011 .Emali Education Centre

When delivering a leadership program in Kenya we were introduced to a school in Emali. Whilst the school buildings were newly built the school lacked furniture, playground equipment and teaching materials. So inspired were we by the young people we met we donated our consulting fee for our program and funded these items for the Early Learning Education centre in Emali Kenya.


2010 .Agape Grace

Our first project in 2005 was funding renovations to a children’s home in Chennai. In the years after and often in partnership with others we also raised and contributed funding to rebuild a school for K-2 children, a women’s empowerment program, we bought a school bus and funded security services for the school. We also funded a range of operational requirements for the children’s home and school over many years.


2006 .Cambodia

Through our annual fundraising seminar we funded operations for a children’s home for young girls and community development projects in Prey Veng Cambodia. This was Bec and Nick working together with Nick as one of the founding board members.


2005 .our first project

Our first project in 2005 was funding renovations to a children’s home in Chennai. We observed a home for children that was half finished leaving all of the 60 boys and girls sharing one sleeping room and one bathroom. There was no space for children when they become ill and living in a home that was more reminiscent of a construction site, with the project having stalled for over 5 years. Our first project was to raise $16,000 to provide an additional sleeping room and space for each child’s belongings, an extra bathroom, a sick room and providing a completed renovation and building for the children to share.

.co learning .co giving

At we provide a collaborative framework that connects organisations, teams and people with a desire to contribute to organisations in need. We work with individuals and teams to make a meaningful contribution to social impact organisations and in the process create motivating learning opportunities. We can enable this to happen and even better we do this pro bono so you will maximise your contribution to your cause. Imagine an individual, team or organisational goal to contribute to a cause that unites your team, increases engagement and motivation and an incredible learning experience for your people.

Check out our change .CO LAB program that we have created to generously invest our very best efforts into leaders who are destined to create positive change in our world.