The power of .coaching

Why a .coach?

Over 25 years we have learned the most effective way to develop senior leaders is professional coaching. When an individual is committed to developing themselves you can achieve extraordinary outcomes in accelerated timeframes. Leaders will always pay the coaching investment forward.



We are professional coaches and coaching is our core capability. In any given year Nick Petrucco would lead over 300 coaching sessions, coaching is what we do!

.unlimited access

We don’t charge by the session, when you work with us you have unlimited access to your coach – we pride ourselves on being there when you need us not when you have a session booked.


Our coaching practice is highly adaptable as it draws from a unique combination of psychology, sporting, managerial and technical experience.



Our coaching style combines the best elements of coaching, mentoring and advising to enable every individual to benefit in multiple ways.

.24/7 availability

We are on and available 24/7 and actively encourage our coaching clients to reach out whenever they need a word of support or advice.


Our coaches work to a well-researched and tested coaching methodology which has been proven to be highly effective.


What do we focus on in .coaching?

Each of our coaching programs adapt to the priority needs of each client. From experience coaching often focuses on these key elements;

You Achieve

Together we ensure that you identify and focus on what really matters now and for the future. We call these your Big Rocks and they are the areas of your work and life that are most critical, and ideally, where you dedicate your highest levels of time and focus. These can sometimes be easy to identify and other times need some discussion and exploration. Through coaching you achieve greater clarity, confidence and focus and reduce the risk of distraction!

You Connect

Together we ensure that you are focused on the people who matter most in your work and personal life. We can work together to focus on broadening your network, establishing stronger connections with key people and harness your relationship management abilities. We can also focus on relationships you find challenging and need to reset, reframe or rebuild. Through coaching your key relationships will be a focus and strengthened.

You Grow

Together we ensure you are focusing on key areas of growth that enable your performance, resilience and wellbeing. We can focus growth on current or future roles, professional and personal development. We can refresh your self-management and self-care plan to refocus your priorities, time and balance your work and life commitments. Through coaching you are supported to reflect, learn and grow in the areas that matter most across all areas of your life, work and career.